Partnership, LLP and LLC Law Conference
Thursday 15th September 2022
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Nottingham (in-person)
Registration is still open for the 5th Annual Conference of the Partnership, LLP and LLC Law Forum, which aims to bring together all those with an interest in partnerships, LLPs, LLCs and other alternative forms of business organisation in the UK and overseas, including related areas such as tax, employment, property, corporate social responsibility etc. We endeavour to be as inclusive and welcoming as possible.
The programme, with abstracts and speaker details, and the registration link, is at
5th Annual Conference of the Partnership, LLP and LLC Law Forum | Nottingham Trent University - or contact Elspeth Berry at if you have any queries.
The programme includes:
- Corinne Staves (Maurice Turnor Garner)
Partnership and LLP structures and their uses for families, financial services businesses and professional practices (including internationally)
- Caroline Field (Fox & Partners)
Restrictive covenants in a partnership/LLPs context, with a specific focus on developments in relation to LLPs
- Professor Laura Macgregor and Jonathan Hardman (University of Edinburgh)
Empirical reflections on LLPs and LPs
- Nic Clarke and Brian Stokes (HMRC)
Partnership/LLP tax developments
- Victoria Griffiths (Senior Policy Advisor, Corporate Transparency and Register Reform, BEIS)
Update on limited partnership and register reform proposals
- David Leask (investigative journalist)
Developments in UK limited partnerships