Article on LLP law

I've recently published an article on 'The True Nature of the LLP: Quasi-Partnership or Quasi-Company?' (2025) 1 JBL 54-89.

As with Lida's article, about which I have just posted, it is available on Westlaw, but if anyone does not have access to that database, please let me know and I'll send you a copy!


Article on derivative actions and LLPs

Dr Lida Pitsillidou, whose paper on the subject some of you will remember from a previous Conference, has just published 'Derivative Actions and LLPs: The Need for Reform' (2025) 2 JBL 123-143. 

It is available on Westlaw, but if anyone does not have access to that database, please let me know and I'll if I can get you a copy!


Lindley & Banks on Partnership - 1st supplement to 21st edn (Sweet & Maxwell, 2022) now published

The 1st Supplement was published in November 2024.

It is a substantial supplement, at over 300 pages, of which over 200 are substantive text. It is presented in the same order and format as the original edition, and the updated replacement paragraphs and footnotes are set out in full and clearly cross referenced to the originals.

The Supplement covers (amongst many other matters) recent judgment on the Syers v Syers jurisdiction (Bahia v Sidhu and Cobden v Cobden), estoppel (Merryman v Merryman and Winter v Winter), and whether a partner can be a worker (Watson v Wallwork Nelson Johnson). Its Preface also includes a brief summary of important judgments which were given too late to be included in the main body of the Supplement.

Anyone involved in writing on ECCTA 2024 or considering how and when to respond to its provisions will sympathise with the editor's difficulties arising from DBT's late announcement that the provisions on limited partnerships would not be brought into force until 2026. This announcement was made only after the editor had already written the necessary revisions on limited partnerships, but the decision was taken to defer publishing these revisions (as discussed in the Preface to the Supplement).

***HOLD THE DATE ****8th Annual Conference of the Partnership, LLP and LLC Law Forum, 11 September 2025 in Nottingham

Please do put this date in your diary - it is always an interesting and enjoyable event, and it would be great to see as many of you there as possible.

A formal Call for Papers will be issued in due course, but if you have proposals (or requests) for topics/speakers, please email me at

Thank you - and best wishes for the festive season!

Elspeth Berry

Transparency International report on Irish LPs

Transparency International Ireland has just published a report on Weak Links: Irish Corporate Structures and Illicit Financial Flows, which contains a chapter on Irish LPs (authored by Elspeth Berry). Irish LPs are governed by a version of the 1907 Act which is almost identical to the pre-ECCTA version of the same Act in the UK.

The other chapters of the report discuss issues which also have parallels in the UK.

The report is available at:

ECCTA implementation update from the Department of Business & Trade

DBT has provided an update on the implementation of ECCTA, with a timetable going all the way up to the end of 2026.

However, they say:

'It is not currently possible to set a firm timetable for implementation of all measures as some require secondary legislation. Around 50 statutory instruments will be commenced over 18 months with implementation activity and transitional periods continuing until completion in 2027. Timelines are dependent on suitable Parliamentary time in both houses and will be kept under review.'

The update is at:


Insolvency Service conference 2025

The 'Forward Thinking' conference, organised by the Insolvency Service, has sent out a Call for Papers as set out below. 



With the Forward Thinking conference, the Insolvency Service aims to provide a platform for insolvency academic research and technical discussions while facilitating a stronger link between academia, the insolvency sector and policy makers, and encourage feedback from interested parties.  While we have yet to identify our next host venue, we are now inviting submissions for papers to be featured this coming Spring.

Call for papers

The Insolvency Service will accept submissions in all areas of personal or corporate insolvency, whether UK or international in focus.  In particular, our website has a list of suggested subject matters which will be particularly welcomed:

We welcome scholars, researchers, postgraduate students, insolvency practitioners, the legal profession and anyone else with an interest in insolvency law and related technical matters to submit their abstracts for a paper to be presented at the conference.

The papers will be presented in person at the conference venue and broadcast simultaneously via the internet.  Please note that the Insolvency Service is unable to cover the cost of travel or accommodation for presenters and delegates.

The deadline for submissions is Monday, 13 January 2025.

Conference format

We expect the one-day event to feature 8 to 10 papers, approximately 20 minutes each, with additional time for questions & answers from both in-person and online delegates.

By submitting an abstract you agree, that if your papers is selected, to attend the conference in person and for your presentation to be published online, hosted by the Insolvency Service. 

Submission of Abstracts

At this stage, we only require a 500-word abstract of your paper.  If you wish to submit an abstract, please send it to: by the close of business on Monday, 13 January 2025.

Your covering email should include:

  • whether you are submitting a research paper or a technical issue
  • your name
  • firm/affiliation/role (where applicable)
  • email
  • telephone number 

If you have any queries, please contact



ECCTA - the gift that keeps on giving

As many of the subscribers to this Forum will know, significant parts of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 have yet to come into force, and still other aspects require development and implementation through secondary legislation. One significant omission from ECCTA, which applies to companies and limited partnerships (LPs), was corresponding provision for LLPs.

Some provision was made earlier this year via the Limited Liability Partnerships (Application of Company Law) Regulations 2024, but these have barely scratched the surface, and we await future LLP legislation to explain how provisions currently applicable to companies and/or LPs would apply (if at all) to LLPs.

I've published a short piece on some of the potential gaps in the legislation through openDemocracy, and if you interested in reading it, it is at:

Best wishes


The 7th Annual Conference of the Partnership, LLP and LLC Law Forum will be held at Nottingham Law School on Thursday 12 September 2024

This conference provides a unique opportunity for those practising in, researching, teaching or otherwise with an interest in partnership or LLP law, practice or policy, or related areas such as corporate law, employment and tax, to hear papers from leading practitioners, academics and policymakers. It is always an interesting, enjoyable and inclusive event, as demonstrated the number of delegates who return each year. 

Advance registration is required. But, in order to save my grey hairs, please don't leave registration until the last moment (deadline end of August) as we need to know numbers of catering and other logistical reasons.

Please do also send the link to your contacts.



I look forward to seeing you on the day! Any queries, please email me at

***HOLD THE DATE ****7th Annual Conference of the Partnership, LLP and LLC Law Forum, 12 September 2024 in Nottingham

A formal Call for Papers will be posted soon, but please put the date in your diary!



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This website is supported by the Society for Legal Scholars (SLS) Small Projects and Events Fund. The SLS is the learned society for those who teach law in a university or similar institution or who are otherwise engaged in legal scholarship.