Law firm Macfarlanes has published an update on this requirement as applied in a number of offshore jurisdictions including Bermuda and the Isle of Man. See:
Law Herzog Fox & Neeman have published a short article on these interesting proposed changes, available at:
The Canadian province of Alberta has reformed its law on partnership formation. Law firm Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer has published a short article on this, 'Proclamation by the Government of Alberta streamlines formation process for limited partnerships', available at:
Law firm McCarthy Tétrault LLP has published a short on article, 'Enforcing the Unenforceable: Limited Partners May be Bound by Unauthorized Conduct of General Partner', on a recent Canadian caseADAG Corporation Canada Ltd v SaskEnergy Incorporated [2021] SKCA 74 which examined the extent to which the acts of a general partner acting outside their authority could bind the limited partners.
The article is available at:
The judgment is available at:
New German legislation to modernise partnership law was enacted earlier this month and will enter into force on 1 January 2024. Law firm Oppenhoff has published a short article on the new legislation, 'The German Act to Modernise the Law on Partnerships (Gesetz zur Modernisierung des Personengesellschaftsrechts - MoPeG) - amendments and the need for companies and partners to act'. It is available at:
Those with an interest in the taxation of US partnerships at State level may be interested in following the work of this project - further information is available at at
The government of Jersey has confirmed that it will extend its economic substance requirements, which it has already applied to companies, to partnerships. These requirements stem from commitments given by it to the EU Code of Conduct Group (Business Taxation) and are designed to ensure that firms which are tax resident in Jersey but which have income from geographically mobile financial and other service activities do in fact conduct real economic activity in Jersey.
Law firm Mourant has published a short article on this development, available at: